To the 10 anniversary of creative activity it is devoted... - Sergey Trofimov / 10-letiju tvorcheskoj dejatel'nosti posvjawaetsja... - Sergej Trofimov - DVD PAL

Mark Bernes is first performer of the song.
Songs of war - "Dark night" ("Temnaya noch")
Lyrics - V. Agatov
music - H. Bogoslovsky
performed by Sergei Trofimov
Songs of the war years remain popular today in Russia. It was the favorite song of my parents..
Lyrics are very touching and heartfelt. I can not listen to this song without tears1- Dark night, only bullets are whistling in the steppe,
Only the wind is wailing through the telephone wires, stars are faintly flickering...
In the dark night, my love, I know you are not sleeping,
And, near a child's crib, you secretly wipe away a tear.
How I love the depths of your gentle eyes,
How I long to press my lips to them!
This dark night separates us, my love,
And the dark, troubled steppe has come to lie between us
2 - I have faith in you, in you, my sweetheart.
That faith has shielded me from bullets in this dark night...
I am glad, I am calm in deadly battle:
I know you will meet me with love, no matter what happens.
Death is not terrible, we've met with it more than once in the steppe...
And here it looms over me once again,
You await my return, sitting sleepless near a cradle,
And so I know that nothing will happen to me!
Sngs of war "In the dugout"
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Ну как можно не любить песни военных лет....
To Sergei Trafimov, are you ever coming to Denver, CO ? I wish we had a chance to see you here :) I love your work and your style ...
I found this information on the official website
Surrounding concerts of Sergei Trofimov in United States will be in June.
06/04/2011 Los Angeles
06/05/2011 San Francisco
06/10/2011 Chicago
06/11/2011 New York
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