
Cossack songs

And Quiet Flows the Don
Cossacks are a freedom-loving people. From time immemorial, they lived on the borders of the Russian empire and defending the country against enemies.

Cossacks songs're folk songs of all genres: old lingering, modern Cossack songs and folk songs, dance and play, lyrical ballads, military songs, popular Russian folk song that sings the whole of Russia.

Cossack songs are not sung , Cossack songs must be played.  
Cossacks seek to be as close as possible to folk performers , to penetrate to an essence of a song, in its poetic image. Beautiful deep voices just pass deep, heartfelt feelings. Over the years, singers are not even a step back from old song traditions. 
And how beautiful the Cossacks  women!

"My fate"

 "I believed"

Walk in the garden

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